
Image Credits: The Guardian 

It has been confirmed that Hillary Clinton’s yet to be titled new memoir will be published by Simon & Schuster and released for approximately $40 in June of 2014.

Hillary is expected to release the book as she announces her plans to run for president in the 2016 election. The memoir is rumored to address hot issues such as the former secretary of state’s rumored bisexuality as she confirms past lesbian relationships. If this rumor turns out to be true it could answer many questions regarding why she remained married to former President Bill Clinton despite his sex scandal with White House intern Monica Lewinsky in 1998. It is also expected to explain why the Obama administration has been widely in favor of passing same-sex marriage laws.



Image Credits: NY Daily News 

It is being said that Clinton’s decision to confirm her bisexuality and release private information about previous lesbian relationships is in hopes to grow a fan base with the LGBTQ community in hopes of gaining their votes for the presidential election. Clinton also reportedly received a $14 million advance for her upcoming memoir which may require her to “tell all”. I’m a little unsure how to feel about the rumors of Clinton address her rumored bisexuality. A part of me sees this as a bold and brave move and a great way for Clinton to connect with the LGBTQ community, but on the other hand I wonder if she is indeed bisexual, or just faking it in hopes of getting more votes. I would hope that Clinton wouldn’t make up something like that in hopes of winning a presidential election, but at the same time nothing like that would surprise me.


Image Credits: Politico

Clinton is also expected to address other rumors such as her true thoughts on the killing of Osama Bin Laden (which she is rumored to have disapproved of), what actually happened to Bin Laden’s body, and her brain cancer scare.

What do you think about the rumors surrounding Clinton’s upcoming memoir? Would you buy her new book or vote for her if she does end up running for the 2016 presidential election?