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Tag Archives: North West


Image Credits: InTouch Weekly

New dad Kanye West stopped by Kris Jenner’s daytime show, Kris to release the first photo of his and girlfriend Kim Kardashian’s baby, North West!

Kim and Kanye have been hesitant to release photos of baby North West even reportedly declining millions from magazines begging for first dibs on photographs of the new born. Kanye reportedly decided to release them on the season finale of Kris to “stop all the noise”, which is a bit odd coming from Kanye.  Kanye and girlfriend Kim Kardashian have been known to hog the spotlight and do things for attention.


Image Credits: US Magazine

Kanye also explained that he thought it would be cool to release the first photograph of baby North West on her the season finale of her grandmother’s show (Kris Jenner is the mother of Kim Kardashian). Their are rumors that he also released the first photo on her show to help with ratings, as Kris Jenner’s daytime show has been said to be suffering from lack of viewers

Now that the photo has been released…who do you think she looks like? I see a bit more Kanye in her than I do Kim overall, but I do think she has Kim’s eyes and lips.

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