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Tag Archives: mental illness



Image Credits: US Magazine

Even while in extensive psychiatric care, Amanda Bynes seems to be making waves on Twitter and even Facebook!



Image Credits: Perez Hilton

Yesterday afternoon, a tweet from Bynes’s infamous Twitter account read “I love drake”. A similar post was made on Bynes’s Facebook account today. Neither one of them have been taken down as of 10pm on Sunday, September 1st.


However, Amanda Bynes’s lawyer confirmed that Bynes’s Twitter account was indeed hacked. Her lawyer stated:

“Amanda’s Twitter account has been hacked. She is at the UCLA Medical Center with no access to phones or computers.” 

It may be quite awhile before you can read Tweets or Facebook posts from Bynes herself as a judge recently approved a request for Bynes to receive extended mental health treatment. The ruling will allow her doctors to keep her on psychiatric hold for up to another full year. However, it seems unlikely that she will stay the full year. Sources have stated that Amanda Bynes’s team is hoping to keep her at the UCLA treatment facility for another 60 days and then have her released to her mother’s home. The judge’s ruling of the extended mental health hold will only go into effect if doctors confirm that Bynes’s mental health is not stabilized or if the actress experiences set backs in her recovery.

I wish Amanda a speedy recovery! While I hope she doesn’t end up needing the extended mental health hold, I hope she does receive all of the treatment and helps she needs regardless of how long it takes!


Image Credits: People

It has just been reported that Demi Lovato is planning to sign a contract with Glee to guest star as a new character named Dani. The character Dani is said to be a struggling musician from New York who will quickly befriend Rachel and Santana, as well as the character that is set to be played by Adam Lambert.


Image Credits:

Lovato will make her Glee debut on the season’s second Beatles tribute episode airing on October 3 and is expected to appear in a minimum of 6 episodes throughout the season.


Image Credits: Hollywood Life

I believe that Lovato will be a great addition to Glee. Not only does she have the singing and acting experience necessary to succeed, but she has overcome many difficult obstacles in her own life from her struggle with cutting addiction, bulimia, and suicidal thoughts. Over the past few years as Lovato has sought treatment and health for her issues she has also managed to bring awareness to these issues and act as a mental health advocate which could play a valuable on Glee.


Image Credits:Gossip Center

It is also interesting the Adam Lambert is said to be connected to Lovato’s new character on the show. Could this be a possible new romance for Glee? With Lambert’s eccentric personality that’s bound to shine through his character and Lovato’s strength, acceptance, and loving personality, these two could make an interesting duo!


Image Credits: Pop Sugar

Are you excited to see Demi on Glee? Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts!


Image Credits: ABC News just posted an article claiming that Amanda Bynes‘s parents fear the troubled actress may be suffering from schizophrenia. Hilton posted on his blog that according to a close source of the actress, the actress has been hearing voices and paranoid of security devices and smoke detectors for years, fearing that they may contain cameras or other spying  devices.

Sounds like childhood fame has really gotten to her! When you’re a celebrity the paparazzi has the tendency to follow you around and watch your every move. Bynes has been in the spotlight from a very early age and may have spent a majority of her life in front of cameras, even during private times when she assumed she was alone. Perhaps this is what is aiding to her troubling downfall?

According to Mayo Clinic,  “Schizophrenia is a group of severe brain disorders in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking and behavior.”

This seems to explain Bynes’s erratic behavior well! Despite being arrested for drug possession and having a bong found inside her apartment, the actress still denies that she uses drugs! In fact, she has twisted the entire story around claiming that the NYPD sexually assaulted her!


Bynes is also within the age range for people to most commonly be diagnosed with schizophrenia. Mayo Clinic explains, “In women, schizophrenia symptoms typically begin in the 20s or early 30s. It’s uncommon for children to be diagnosed with schizophrenia and rare for those older than 45.”

Bynes also seems to exhibit a majority of the “positive symptoms” of schizophrenia, which Mayo Clinic explained are:

  • Delusions. These beliefs are not based in reality and usually involve misinterpretation of perception or experience. They are the most common of schizophrenic symptoms.
  • Hallucinations. These usually involve seeing or hearing things that don’t exist, although hallucinations can be in any of the senses. Hearing voices is the most common hallucination among people with schizophrenia.
  • Thought disorder. Difficulty speaking and organizing thoughts may result in stopping speech midsentence or putting together meaningless words, sometimes known as word salad.
  • Disorganized behavior. This may show in a number of ways, ranging from childlike silliness to unpredictable agitation.

Bynes’s inability to accept the reality and consequences of her actions may fit the description of the delusions, especially with her rant about the NYPD sexually assaulting her. Her family and friends report that she has suffered from hallucinations for years. Her random tweets/twitter rants where she goes on calling everyone “ugly”, starting feuds with Rhianna, and posting sexually explicit content about Drake and Drake Bell may be the actress’s way of exhibiting a thought disorder and disorganized behavior.


Image Credits: E Online


Bynes also seems to possess a number of “negative symptoms” which Mayo Clinic states are:

  • Loss of interest in everyday activities
  • Appearing to lack emotion
  • Reduced ability to plan or carry out activities
  • Neglect of personal hygiene
  • Social withdrawal
  • Loss of motivation


Bynes’s decision to retire from acting may show her loss of interest in everyday activities. She has been an actress for a majority of her life and always seemed to enjoy it up until this point. Whether Bynes lacks emotion or not is debatable. She seemed upset by her arrests, but not remorseful in ways that others would be. She was not apologetic. The photographs published by In Touch Weekly show the actress’s dirty apartment, possibly suggesting a lack of personal hygiene.


Image Credits: Rory Roselyn

It sounds like Hilton, Bynes’s friends, family, and the source may be onto something when they suggest Bynes may have schizophrenia! Whether or not she is suffering from this mental illness I hope that Bynes will seek help soon and get back to being her normal, funny, fun-loving self!


Image Credits: US Magazine just posted breaking news about America’s favorite child star-turned-trained wreck, Amanda Bynes. According to Perez, Bynes was recently arrested by NYC police after they received several reports about a “disorderly” person. Bynes reportedly threw a bong out of the window of her NYC apartment upon the arrival of the police. It is unknown what was in the bong, but based on previous reports and speculations it is assumed to be illegal drugs.


Image Credits:

NYC police arrested Bynes for “reckless endangerment”. She was then taken to Roosevelt Hospital where she received a psychiatric evaluation. No further information regarding her evaluation were released.


Image Credits: Huffington Post

Bynes’s case is currently being processed at a Midtown police station. Updates will be posted as they become available.

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