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Remember watching 7th Heaven? You know, the show about the Christian family with all the kids? 7th Heaven was practically a modern day version of the Brady Bunch in the 90’s going into the early 00’s. The show lasted for an incredible 11 seasons over the course of 11 years with 243 episodes. Part of what made the show so successful was its ability to connect with an audience of teenagers and young adults by focusing on various issues such as relationships, drugs, sex, abuse, peer pressure, homelessness, and even more political topics such as presidential elections. Although the show could be classified as conservative and although the Camdens were an extremely religious church family, they managed to approach these topics in ways that seemed less preachy and more relatable for audience members.


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7th Heaven sure did teach teens many valuable life lessons. Of course a majority of these lessons were important, serious matters, but when we see some of them in GIF format we can’t help but laugh. did an excellent article where they put these life lessons into GIFS.

Which are your favorite 7th Heaven GIFS? I think mine would have to be a toss up of the Mary (Jessica Biel) insult and the dancing Mary ones. Something about watching Jessica Biel in GIF form is just so entertaining…

Did seeing these GIFS and reading this article make you feel nostalgic about the past? Want to relieve the joy of all 11 seasons of 7th Heaven? Feel free to order or download it on Amazon or iTunes.



Image Credits: FanPop

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