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Tag Archives: conservatorship


Image Credits: People

On Thursday, August 15th, Amanda Bynes left her rehab facility in Ventura County and transferred to the psych unit at UCLA. The move was done at the request of Bynes’s mother who was recently granted temporary conservatorship over the troubled actress. Her conservatorship will allow her control over Bynes and force Bynes to stay in the psych ward for at least an extra 30 days. This ruling is rather uncommon as it is typically only allowed if a patient is “gravely disabled” and unable to care for them self.


Image Credits: NY Daily News

It is being reported that Bynes’s mother wanted her transferred to UCLA because she believes that UCLA has the best psychiatric and mental health unit in the nation. While Bynes’s condition has reportedly improved significantly since she first entered treatment due in no small part to the schizophrenic and anti-psychotic drugs she’s been prescribed, it is rumored that her mental illness may be more serious than many originally suspected. A close source has also reported to Fox News that the actress may also be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder resulting from her struggle to accept and deal with the fame accumulated from her Nickelodeon child star days. 


Image Credits: GaGa Daily

Bynes is expected to stay at UCLA for at least another two months to ensure that the the drugs are working properly and to give her body time to adjust to them. I wish Amanda a very speedy recovery and hope she can get to her usual funny and talented self soon! 



Image Credits: US Magazine

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