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Image Credits: Muppet Wikia

So tonight after Thanksgiving dinner I decided to climb in bed and flip through to see what was on tv. I came across Lady Gaga singing and decided to tune in. I’ve always been a fan of Lady Gaga, although I find her more recent work to be disappointing. I was intrigued when I saw it was actually part of a Muppet special. I’ve also always been a fan of the Muppets, but I wasn’t sure how well it would work with Lady Gaga. I thought it was a very unusual mashup. Turns out the special was quite a bit weirder than I imagined. Here are the Top 5 Weirdest Moments From Lady Gaga And The Muppets Holiday Spectacular.


1. Lady Gaga And Kermit Singing “Gypsy”. Okay, so everything about this was just odd. First Lady Gaga goes off talking about how lonely she gets on the road. Okay, that makes sense but then Kermit chimes in. Uhm. Really? You’re a frog. So then they start singing Lady Gaga’s new song together called “Gypsy”. It’s a pretty decent song, but it sounds weird hearing Kermit sing it.


Image Credits: 

2. Kermit Flirting With Lady Gaga – I wasn’t sure about this at first. I thought maybe my mind was just slightly warped and I was misinterpreting Kermit being a nice little muppet. But no, “Maybe sometime you can come over to my pond” was definitely Kermit’s way of flirting and the frog’s way of saying “Maybe you can come over to my place/room”. This was reinforced by an angry Miss Piggy screaming “Come over to my pond?!?” just before smacking Kermit…awkward.

3. Lady Gaga’s Condom Dress – By now no one should ever be surprised by Lady Gaga especially in regards to her clothing choices…but that was definitely a condom dress or at least a condom hat. Uhm. What happened to the Muppets being rated G? I’m pretty sure that outfit was all kinds of inappropriate for a children’s special. Luckily, a child’s mind is more innocent than my own so Gaga should be able to get away with this one pretty easily as a kid won’t notice anything odd…hopefully…


Image Credits: Zap 2 It

4. RuPaul Being RuPaul. Why was he (or was it a she?) even there? He didn’t add much at all…other than making a very weird Muppet special somehow even weirder.

5. At The End Of The Show When Pepe The King Prawn Rubs Lady Gaga’s Knee – I feel like they’re trying to subtly sexualize the Muppets and it’s weird because they’re well…muppets. But seriously, why he is rubbing her knee? He just randomly pops up and starts sneakily rubbing her knee. Uh okay. And when Lady Gaga mentions something about it to him he claims to be “fixing her makeup”. I don’t know about you but I always wear makeup on my knees…right.



Image Credits: Mirror.CO.UK

I didn’t hate the Lady Gaga And The Muppets Holiday Spectacular…I just thought it was incredibly weird. I always think of the Muppets as being something for kids and Lady Gaga is not so kid-friendly. This special too didn’t always seem that appropriate for kids. It was just very very odd.

What did you guys think of Lady Gaga And The Muppets Holiday Spectacular? Did anyone else think it was weird?

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