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Image Credits: Celebrity Net Worth 

Earlier today TMZ reported that Lisa Robin Kelly, better known as Eric Forman’s demon sister Laurie on That 70’s Show, was found dead in her bed at a rehab facility she recently checked into.


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Kelly was known to struggle with drug and alcohol addiction as she was arrested for DUI in August of 2010 and more recently, June of this year. Kelly was also arrested and charged for injury of a spouse in May of 2012 and assault along with her husband, Robert Joseph Gilliam in November of 2012.


Image Credits: TMZ

Kelly’s agent told TMZ that she checked into the rehab facility earlier this week. She has been quoted as saying:

She had been fighting demons for a while and finally lost her battle.

It is easy to assume that drugs and alcohol played a significant role in Kelly’s death. However, some sources have also been reporting that she suffered from cardiac arrest in her sleep. These sources also report that despite numerous efforts, the former actress was unable to be revived. The official cause of Kelly’s untimely death has yet to be confirmed.


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My thoughts and prayers go out to Kelly’s family, friends, and fans. While it is always easy to pass judgement on someone that ends up in as much trouble as Kelly did especially when drug/alcohol addiction seems to be the center of their life, let’s not remember her that way. Instead, let’s all make an effort to remember her the way she was when we were first introduced to her: as the lovable, somewhat evil and always hilarious and talented Laurie Foreman from That 70’s Show.


Image Credits: Fan Pop

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