
Image Credits: JustJared

If you’ve ready any or all of the 50’s Shades of Grey books then you know these books are anything but young adult/middle grade novels. Erotic sounds like a bit more suitable genre. It should come as  no surprise then that the movies will get a rating that’s a step about PG-13. But just how much? The answer may surprise you.

After hearing many fans express their desires to have the movie be as realistic to the novel as possible, the producers have decided to make two versions of the film: an R rated version and a more realistic, accurate NC-17 portrayal of the novel. Having the R rated version will allow the younger fans a chance to see their favorite book portrayed on screen while the older, more mature audience will appreciate the more realistic NC-17 adaption.

The R Rated version will be the film’s primary release and is expected to be released a few weeks earlier than the NC-17 version. Producers are aiming at a February 2015 release date for the first version, hoping to be able to market it as a Valentine’s Day movie.


What do you think about the producer’s decision to release two different versions of the film? Which one (if not both) are you hoping to see?