

Image Credits: US Magazine

Even while in extensive psychiatric care, Amanda Bynes seems to be making waves on Twitter and even Facebook!



Image Credits: Perez Hilton

Yesterday afternoon, a tweet from Bynes’s infamous Twitter account read “I love drake”. A similar post was made on Bynes’s Facebook account today. Neither one of them have been taken down as of 10pm on Sunday, September 1st.


However, Amanda Bynes’s lawyer confirmed that Bynes’s Twitter account was indeed hacked. Her lawyer stated:

“Amanda’s Twitter account has been hacked. She is at the UCLA Medical Center with no access to phones or computers.” 

It may be quite awhile before you can read Tweets or Facebook posts from Bynes herself as a judge recently approved a request for Bynes to receive extended mental health treatment. The ruling will allow her doctors to keep her on psychiatric hold for up to another full year. However, it seems unlikely that she will stay the full year. Sources have stated that Amanda Bynes’s team is hoping to keep her at the UCLA treatment facility for another 60 days and then have her released to her mother’s home. The judge’s ruling of the extended mental health hold will only go into effect if doctors confirm that Bynes’s mental health is not stabilized or if the actress experiences set backs in her recovery.

I wish Amanda a speedy recovery! While I hope she doesn’t end up needing the extended mental health hold, I hope she does receive all of the treatment and helps she needs regardless of how long it takes!